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Books for 2025 company workshops attendees promotion

Our mission is to share best-quality knowledge about Kotlin! As a part of our mission, we decided to share our books with the people who might benefit the most from them. That is why we decided that until the end of 2025, for each company that orders a commercial workshop with Marcin Moskała, we will send a bundle of physical books for workshop attendees. Here are the books we currently offer:

This is what books we offer sending for our most popular workshops:

Of course, if you want to receive a different book from our list, we can agree on sending it. For other workshops with Marcin Moskała, the group can choose which book they want to receive.


Let's say your company organised a workshop with Kt. Academy. For that, they used Workshops tab, in the above menu, chose a workshop it needed, and filled the form. Then, we agreed on the date and price, and the workshop was organised. Let's say in our example, this company chose Kotlin Coroutines workshop, so it was natural to choose Kotlin Coroutines: Deep Dive book for their group. The group was of size 15, but they asked us to send them 20 books, to have some for their library and other employees. So we sent a bundle of 20 books to their address of choice as a benefit to the workshop by Marcin Moskała.


The promotion applies to company workshops with Marcin Moskała organised in 2024 but after this promotion announcement. We can send up to 20 books per workshop. The books are sent to the company address of choice.

  • The promotion does not apply to open workshops, because we currently have very limited capabilities of sending books to individuals, especially from outside Europe. We might be open for sending books to a company address if there is a group of people from the same company.
  • The workshop must be organised in 2024. We might prelong this promotion, but for now we can only guarantee it for 2024. If a workshop is planned for 2024, but organised in 2024, it is still eligible for this promotion.
  • Promotion applies only to workshops with Marcin Moskała ordered from Kt. Academy.
  • If a group wants a different book from our list than suggested, we can agree on sending it.

In case of any questions or doubts, please contact us at