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Custom Kotlin Workshop

We can prepare a custom Kotlin workshop tailored to your needs. It can cover any combination of topics that our trainer is an expert in.

At the workshop you will

Learn from lecture supported by slides

Complete practical exercises

Solve coding challenges

Participate in group discussions

During the workshop we cover:

In this option, you can choose what blend of topics you want to cover. Here are the most popular topics with their typical duration:

  • Essentials of Kotlin Coroutines (3.5 h) - why using coroutines, what is a coroutine, starting coroutines, structured concurrency.
  • Deeper Kotlin Coroutines (3.5 h) - coroutine context, dispatchers, job, cancellation, exception handling.
  • Testing Kotlin Coroutines (1.5 h)
  • Understanding and operating on Flow (3 h)
  • Type system in Kotlin (1 h)
  • Functional Kotlin features (2 h) - function types, lambda expressions, higher-order functions, inline functions.
  • Function references in Kotlin (1 h)
  • Collection processing in Kotlin (3 h)
  • Kotlin DSL (2 h)
  • Generic variance modifiers and Covariant Object Pattern (1.5 h)
  • Property and interface delegation (2 h)
  • Problems with mutability and synchronization mechanisms for thread-safety (4 h)
  • Performance optimization and memory leaks elimination techniques (3 h)
  • Efficient collection processing (3 h)
  • Multiplatform programming (2 h)
  • Reflection and proxy pattern (3 h)
  • Meta-programming in Kotlin (4 h) - annotation processing, KSP, compiler plugins.

Each workshop day is around 7 hours of training (after deducting breaks).

You can also ask for different topics or different durations, we will ask our trainer if he can prepare such a workshop for you.


For all attendees:
👉 JetBrains official certificate.

For open workshop attendees:
👉 Workshop recording (details here).
👉 You want to move to a different group or workshop? Not a problem, you can do that until the last day before the workshop.

For private company workshop groups:
👉 After the workshop, consultation or a private Q&A session with the trainer.
👉 Need to consult what workshop is best for you? Book a meeting with the trainer.
👉 Need to change or adjust TOC? Not a problem. We can adjust the content to your needs.

One of the first certified Kotlin training worldwide!

You will be trained by an expert who is an official JetBrains' Kotlin training partner. The quality of his workshops was checked and certified by the creators of the Kotlin language itself.

JetBrains certified Kotlin Training
Marcin Moskała

Marcin Moskała

Marcin Moskala is a highly experienced developer and Kotlin instructor as the founder of Kt. Academy, an official JetBrains partner specializing in Kotlin training, Google Developers Expert, known for his significant contributions to the Kotlin community. Moskala is the author of several widely recognized books, including "Effective Kotlin," "Kotlin Coroutines," "Functional Kotlin," "Advanced Kotlin," "Kotlin Essentials," and "Android Development with Kotlin."

Beyond his literary achievements, Moskala is the author of the largest Medium publication dedicated to Kotlin. As a respected speaker, he has been invited to share his insights at numerous programming conferences, including events such as Droidcon and the prestigious Kotlin Conf, the premier conference dedicated to the Kotlin programming language.


Choose this option if you need a workshop for your team or company.

5000 EUR for the group for 2 days

Choose this option if you need a workshop for yourself or for a small group of people. The basic price is 400 EUR per person for the whole workshop.

Our experts offer consultations for both companies and individuals. The price is set individually.