Solution: Update ProductService

class ProductService( private val productRepository: ProductRepository, backgroundScope: CoroutineScope, ) { private val activeObservers = AtomicInteger(0) private val updatedProducts = productRepository .observeProductUpdates() .distinctUntilChanged() .flatMapMerge(concurrency = Int.MAX_VALUE) { flow { emit(productRepository.fetchProduct(it)) } } .shareIn( scope = backgroundScope, started = SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(), ) fun observeProducts(categories: Set<String>): Flow<Product> = updatedProducts .filter { it.category in categories } .onStart { activeObservers.incrementAndGet() } .onCompletion { activeObservers.decrementAndGet() } fun activeObserversCount(): Int = activeObservers.get() }

Example solution in playground

import coroutines.sf.betterproductservice.TestData.product1 import coroutines.sf.betterproductservice.TestData.product2 import coroutines.sf.betterproductservice.TestData.product3 import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel import kotlinx.coroutines.delay import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.* import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import kotlinx.coroutines.test.advanceUntilIdle import kotlinx.coroutines.test.currentTime import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runCurrent import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runTest import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals import org.junit.Test import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger class ProductService( private val productRepository: ProductRepository, backgroundScope: CoroutineScope, ) { private val activeObservers = AtomicInteger(0) private val updatedProducts = productRepository .observeProductUpdates() .distinctUntilChanged() .flatMapMerge(concurrency = Int.MAX_VALUE) { flow { emit(productRepository.fetchProduct(it)) } } .shareIn( scope = backgroundScope, started = SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(), ) fun observeProducts(categories: Set<String>): Flow<Product> = updatedProducts .filter { it.category in categories } .onStart { activeObservers.incrementAndGet() } .onCompletion { activeObservers.decrementAndGet() } fun activeObserversCount(): Int = activeObservers.get() } interface ProductRepository { // Emits ids of the products that got updated fun observeProductUpdates(): Flow<String> suspend fun fetchProduct(id: String): Product } data class Product( val id: String, val category: String, val name: String, val price: Double, ) class ProductServiceTest { @Test fun `should emit distinct products`() = runTest { val fakeProductRepository = FakeProductRepository() val productService = ProductService(fakeProductRepository, backgroundScope) val categories = setOf(product1.category) val observedProducts = mutableListOf<Product>() productService.observeProducts(categories) .onEach { observedProducts.add(it) } .launchIn(backgroundScope) runCurrent() fakeProductRepository.updatesHasOccurred(,,, runCurrent() assertEquals(1, observedProducts.size) assertEquals("1", observedProducts[0].id) } @Test fun `should filter products by category`() = runTest { val fakeProductRepository = FakeProductRepository() val productService = ProductService(fakeProductRepository, backgroundScope) val categories = setOf(product2.category) val observedProducts = mutableListOf<Product>() productService.observeProducts(categories) .onEach { observedProducts.add(it) } .launchIn(backgroundScope) runCurrent() fakeProductRepository.updatesHasOccurred(,,, runCurrent() assertEquals(1, observedProducts.size) assertEquals("2", observedProducts[0].id) } @Test fun `should map product IDs to products`() = runTest { val fakeProductRepository = FakeProductRepository() val productService = ProductService(fakeProductRepository, backgroundScope) val categories = setOf(product1.category, product2.category) val observedProducts = mutableListOf<Product>() productService.observeProducts(categories) .onEach { observedProducts.add(it) } .launchIn(backgroundScope) runCurrent() fakeProductRepository.updatesHasOccurred(,,, runCurrent() assertEquals(2, observedProducts.size) assertEquals("Smartphone", observedProducts[0].name) assertEquals("Novel", observedProducts[1].name) } @Test fun `should count active observers`() = runTest { val fakeProductRepository = FakeProductRepository() val productService = ProductService(fakeProductRepository, backgroundScope) assertEquals(0, productService.activeObserversCount()) val job1 = backgroundScope.launch { productService.observeProducts(setOf(product1.category)).collect() } runCurrent() assertEquals(1, productService.activeObserversCount()) val job2 = backgroundScope.launch { productService.observeProducts(setOf(product1.category)).collect() } runCurrent() assertEquals(2, productService.activeObserversCount()) job2.cancel() runCurrent() assertEquals(1, productService.activeObserversCount()) job1.cancel() runCurrent() assertEquals(0, productService.activeObserversCount()) } @Test fun `should not complete when there are active observers`() = runTest { val fakeProductRepository = FakeProductRepository() val productService = ProductService(fakeProductRepository, backgroundScope) val categories = setOf(product1.category) val observedProducts = mutableListOf<Product>() val job = backgroundScope.launch { productService.observeProducts(categories) .onEach { observedProducts.add(it) } .collect() } runCurrent() fakeProductRepository.updatesHasOccurred(,,, runCurrent() assertEquals(1, observedProducts.size) assertEquals("1", observedProducts[0].id) job.cancel() runCurrent() fakeProductRepository.updatesHasOccurred(,,, runCurrent() assertEquals(1, observedProducts.size) } @Test fun `should fetch products concurrently`() = runTest { val fakeProductRepository = FakeProductRepository(fetchProductsDelay = 1000) val productService = ProductService(fakeProductRepository, backgroundScope) val categories = setOf(product1.category, product2.category) val observedProducts = Channel<Product>(Channel.UNLIMITED) productService.observeProducts(categories) .onEach { observedProducts.send(it) } .launchIn(backgroundScope) runCurrent() fakeProductRepository.updatesHasOccurred(,,, waiting for all products observedProducts.consumeAsFlow().take(2).collect() should take as much as a single fetch assertEquals(1000, currentTime) } @Test fun `should not limit the number of fetched products`() = runTest { val products = List(1000) { // Big number of products to fetch Product( id = "id$it", category = "ALL", name = "name$it", price = it.toDouble(), ) } val fakeProductRepository = FakeProductRepository(fetchProductsDelay = 1000, products = products) val productService = ProductService(fakeProductRepository, backgroundScope) val observedProducts = Channel<Product>(Channel.UNLIMITED) productService.observeProducts(setOf("ALL")) .onEach { observedProducts.send(it) } .launchIn(backgroundScope) runCurrent() fakeProductRepository.updatesHasOccurred(* { }.toTypedArray()) advanceUntilIdle() waiting for all products observedProducts.consumeAsFlow().take(products.size).collect() should take as much as a single fetch assertEquals(1000, currentTime) } @Test fun `should have one connection for multiple observers`() = runTest { val productRepository = FakeProductRepository() val productService = ProductService(productRepository, backgroundScope) var observedUpdates = 0 val categories = setOf(product1.category, product2.category) // when time has started, but no one observer runCurrent() // then have no observers assertEquals(0, productRepository.observers) // when multiple temperature observers start val observerJobs = (1..10).map { productService.observeProducts(categories) .onEach { observedUpdates++ } .launchIn(backgroundScope) } runCurrent() // then there is only one observer on repository assertEquals(1, productRepository.observers) // when observers get canceled observerJobs.forEach { it.cancel() } delay(5001) // to accept stopTimeout up to 5 seconds // then there is no observer on repository assertEquals(0, productRepository.observers) } @Test fun `should fetch products only once for all observers`() = runTest { val productRepository = FakeProductRepository() val productService = ProductService(productRepository, backgroundScope) val categories = setOf(product1.category, product2.category) var receivedProducts = listOf<Product>() val observersCount = 10 // when multiple temperature observers start repeat(observersCount) { productService.observeProducts(categories) .onEach { receivedProducts += it } .launchIn(backgroundScope) } runCurrent() // and productRepository.updatesHasOccurred(, // Two product updates, that are both observed delay(1) // then all observers receive updated products assertEquals(observersCount, receivedProducts.count { it == product1 }) assertEquals(observersCount, receivedProducts.count { it == product2 }) // and each of those products are fetched only once assertEquals(2, productRepository.productFetchCounter) } } object TestData { val product1 = Product("1", "electronics", "Smartphone", 500.0) val product2 = Product("2", "books", "Novel", 20.0) val product3 = Product("3", "clothing", "T-Shirt", 15.0) } class FakeProductRepository( private val fetchProductsDelay: Long = 0, private val products: List<Product> = listOf( product1, product2, product3 ) ) : ProductRepository { private val updates = MutableSharedFlow<String>() var observers = 0 private set var productFetchCounter = 0 private set override fun observeProductUpdates(): Flow<String> = updates .onStart { observers++ } .onCompletion { observers-- } override suspend fun fetchProduct(id: String): Product { productFetchCounter++ if (fetchProductsDelay > 0) { delay(fetchProductsDelay) } return products.first { == id } } suspend fun updatesHasOccurred(vararg ids: String) { ids.forEach { updates.emit(it) } } }