Solution: mapAsync with concurrency limit

suspend fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.mapAsync( concurrency: Int, transformation: suspend (T) -> R ): List<R> = coroutineScope { val semaphore = Semaphore(concurrency) map { async { semaphore.withPermit { transformation(it) } } }.awaitAll() }

Example solution in playground

import kotlinx.coroutines.* import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Semaphore import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withPermit import kotlinx.coroutines.test.TestScope import kotlinx.coroutines.test.currentTime import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runTest import org.junit.Test import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext import kotlin.test.assertEquals suspend fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.mapAsync( concurrency: Int, transformation: suspend (T) -> R ): List<R> = coroutineScope { val semaphore = Semaphore(concurrency) map { async { semaphore.withPermit { transformation(it) } } }.awaitAll() } class MapAsyncLimitedTest { private val anyConcurrency = 3 @Test fun should_behave_like_a_regular_map_for_a_list_and_a_set() = runTest { val list = ('a'..'z').toList() assertEquals( { c -> }, list.mapAsync(anyConcurrency) { c -> }) assertEquals( { c -> c.code }, list.mapAsync(anyConcurrency) { c -> c.code }) assertEquals( { c -> c.uppercaseChar() }, list.mapAsync(anyConcurrency) { c -> c.uppercaseChar() }) val set = (1..10).toSet() assertEquals( { i -> i * i }, set.mapAsync(anyConcurrency) { i -> i * i }) assertEquals( { i -> "A$i" }, set.mapAsync(anyConcurrency) { i -> "A$i" }) assertEquals( { i -> i.toChar() }, set.mapAsync(anyConcurrency) { i -> i.toChar() }) } @Test fun should_map_async_and_keep_elements_order() = runTest { val transforms = listOf( suspend { delay(3000); "A" }, suspend { delay(2000); "B" }, suspend { delay(4000); "C" }, suspend { delay(1000); "D" }, ) val res = transforms.mapAsync(concurrency = 4) { it() } assertEquals(listOf("A", "B", "C", "D"), res) assertEquals(4000, currentTime) } @Test fun should_limit_concurrency_for_single_delay() = runTest { val process: suspend (Int) -> Int = { i: Int -> delay(1000) i * i } List(1000) { it }.mapAsync(concurrency = 10, transformation = process) assertEquals(1000 * 1000 / 10, currentTime) } @Test fun should_limit_concurrency_for_different_delays() = testFor( 1 to 3000L + 2000L + 4000L + 1000L + 2000L, 2 to 6000L, 3 to 5000L, 4 to 4000L, 5 to 4000L, ) { concurrency, expectedTime -> val transforms = listOf( suspend { delay(3000); "A" }, suspend { delay(2000); "B" }, suspend { delay(4000); "C" }, suspend { delay(1000); "D" }, suspend { delay(2000); "E" }, ) val res = transforms.mapAsync(concurrency = concurrency) { it() } assertEquals(listOf("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"), res) assertEquals(expectedTime, currentTime) } @Test fun should_support_context_propagation() = runTest { var ctx: CoroutineContext? = null val name1 = CoroutineName("Name 1") withContext(name1) { listOf("A").mapAsync(concurrency = anyConcurrency) { ctx = currentCoroutineContext() it } assertEquals(name1, ctx?.get(CoroutineName)) } val name2 = CoroutineName("Some name 2") withContext(name2) { listOf("B").mapAsync(concurrency = anyConcurrency) { ctx = currentCoroutineContext() it } assertEquals(name2, ctx?.get(CoroutineName)) } } @Test fun should_support_cancellation() = runTest { var job: Job? = null val parentJob = launch { listOf("A").mapAsync(concurrency = anyConcurrency) { job = currentCoroutineContext().job delay(Long.MAX_VALUE) } } delay(1000) parentJob.cancel() assertEquals(true, job?.isCancelled) } } private fun <T1, T2> testFor(vararg data: Pair<T1, T2>, body: suspend TestScope.(T1, T2) -> Unit) { for ((input, expected) in data) { runTest { body(input, expected) } } }