Solution: Inventory management

class Inventory { private val products = mutableListOf<Product>() private val productIdToProducer = mutableMapOf<String, String>() private val sellers = mutableSetOf<String>() fun addProduct(product: Product, producer: String) { products.add(product) productIdToProducer[] = producer } fun removeProduct(product: Product) { products.remove(product) productIdToProducer.remove( } fun addSeller(seller: String) { sellers.add(seller) } fun removeSeller(seller: String) { sellers.remove(seller) } fun getProductsCount() = products.size fun hasProduct(product: Product) = products.contains(product) fun hasProducts() = products.isNotEmpty() fun getProducer(product: Product) = productIdToProducer[] fun produceInventoryDisplay(): String { var result = "Inventory:\n" for (product in products) { val name = val category = product.category val price = product.price result += "$name ($category) - $price\n" val producer = productIdToProducer[] result += "Produced by: $producer\n" } result += "Sellers: $sellers" return result } }

Example solution in playground

import junit.framework.TestCase.* import org.junit.Before import org.junit.Test import kotlin.test.assertEquals class Inventory { private val products = mutableListOf<Product>() private val productIdToProducer = mutableMapOf<String, String>() private val sellers = mutableSetOf<String>() fun addProduct(product: Product, producer: String) { products.add(product) productIdToProducer[] = producer } fun removeProduct(product: Product) { products.remove(product) productIdToProducer.remove( } fun addSeller(seller: String) { sellers.add(seller) } fun removeSeller(seller: String) { sellers.remove(seller) } fun getProductsCount() = products.size fun hasProduct(product: Product) = products.contains(product) fun hasProducts() = products.isNotEmpty() fun getProducer(product: Product) = productIdToProducer[] fun produceInventoryDisplay(): String { var result = "Inventory:\n" for (product in products) { val name = val category = product.category val price = product.price result += "$name ($category) - $price\n" val producer = productIdToProducer[] result += "Produced by: $producer\n" } result += "Sellers: $sellers" return result } } class Product( val id: String, val name: String, val price: Double, val category: String, ) fun main() { val inventory = Inventory() println(inventory.hasProducts()) // false val p1 = Product("P1", "Phone", 599.99, "Electronics") val p2 = Product("P2", "Laptop", 1199.99, "Electronics") val p3 = Product("P3", "Shirt", 29.99, "Clothing") inventory.addProduct(p1, "TechCompany") inventory.addProduct(p2, "TechCompany") inventory.addProduct(p3, "ClothingCompany") inventory.addSeller("Seller1") inventory.addSeller("Seller2") println(inventory.getProductsCount()) // 3 println(inventory.hasProduct(p1)) // true println(inventory.hasProducts()) // true println(inventory.getProducer(p1)) // TechCompany println(inventory.produceInventoryDisplay()) // Inventory: // Phone (Electronics) - $599.99 // Produced by: TechCompany // Laptop (Electronics) - $1199.99 // Produced by: TechCompany // Shirt (Clothing) - $29.99 // Produced by: ClothingCompany // Sellers: [Seller1, Seller2] inventory.removeProduct(p2) inventory.addSeller("Seller1") inventory.removeSeller("Seller2") println(inventory.getProductsCount()) // 2 println(inventory.hasProduct(p1)) // true println(inventory.hasProduct(p2)) // false println(inventory.hasProducts()) // true println(inventory.getProducer(p2)) // null println(inventory.produceInventoryDisplay()) // Inventory: // Phone (Electronics) - $599.99 // Produced by: TechCompany // Shirt (Clothing) - $29.99 // Produced by: ClothingCompany // Sellers: [Seller1] } class InventoryTest { private lateinit var inventory: Inventory private val apple = Product("1", "Apple", 0.5, "Fruit") private var banana = Product("2", "Banana", 0.3, "Fruit") @Before fun setup() { inventory = Inventory() } @Test fun `addProduct should increase product count and set producer`() { inventory.addProduct(apple, "FruitCorp") assertEquals(1, inventory.getProductsCount()) assertTrue(inventory.hasProduct(apple)) assertEquals("FruitCorp", inventory.getProducer(apple)) } @Test fun `removeProduct should decrease product count and remove producer`() { inventory.addProduct(apple, "FruitCorp") inventory.removeProduct(apple) assertEquals(0, inventory.getProductsCount()) assertFalse(inventory.hasProduct(apple)) assertNull(inventory.getProducer(apple)) } @Test fun `addSeller should add seller to the inventory`() { inventory.addSeller("SellerA") assertTrue(inventory.produceInventoryDisplay().contains("SellerA")) } @Test fun `removeSeller should remove seller from the inventory`() { inventory.addSeller("SellerA") inventory.removeSeller("SellerA") assertFalse(inventory.produceInventoryDisplay().contains("SellerA")) } @Test fun `produceInventoryDisplay should display products and sellers correctly`() { inventory.addProduct(apple, "FruitCorp") inventory.addProduct(banana, "TropicalFruitCorp") inventory.addSeller("SellerA") inventory.addSeller("SellerB") val expectedDisplay = """ Inventory: Apple (Fruit) - 0.5 Produced by: FruitCorp Banana (Fruit) - 0.3 Produced by: TropicalFruitCorp Sellers: [SellerA, SellerB] """.trimIndent() assertEquals(expectedDisplay, inventory.produceInventoryDisplay()) } @Test fun `hasProducts should return true when there are products`() { inventory.addProduct(apple, "FruitCorp") assertTrue(inventory.hasProducts()) } @Test fun `hasProducts should return false when there are no products`() { assertFalse(inventory.hasProducts()) } @Test fun `getProducer should return null for nonexistent product`() { assertNull(inventory.getProducer(apple)) } }