Solution: Best students list

fun List<Student>.makeBestStudentsList(): String = this .filter { it.pointsInSemester >= 30 && it.result >= 80 } .sortedByDescending { it.result } .zip(INTERNSHIPS) .sortedWith(compareBy({ it.first.surname },{ })) .joinToString(separator = "\n") {(student, internship)-> "${} ${student.surname}, $$internship" } private val INTERNSHIPS = List(1) { 5_000 } + List(3) { 3_000 } + List(6) { 1_000 }

Example solution in playground

import org.junit.Test import kotlin.test.assertEquals fun List<Student>.makeBestStudentsList(): String = this .filter { it.pointsInSemester >= 30 && it.result >= 80 } .sortedByDescending { it.result } .zip(INTERNSHIPS) .sortedWith(compareBy({ it.first.surname },{ })) .joinToString(separator = "\n") {(student, internship)-> "${} ${student.surname}, $$internship" } private val INTERNSHIPS = List(1) { 5_000 } + List(3) { 3_000 } + List(6) { 1_000 } data class Student( val name: String, val surname: String, val result: Double, val pointsInSemester: Int ) class BestStudentsListTest { val internshipStudent = Student("Marc", "Smith", 87.0, 32) val studentWithTooLowResultToInternship = Student("Marcus", "Smith", 37.0, 32) val studentWithNotEnoughPointsForInternship = Student("Marcello", "Smith", 87.0, 12) val studentNotPassingBecauseOfResult = Student("Peter", "Jackson", 21.0, 24) val studentNotPassingBecauseOfPoints = Student("Michael", "Angelo", 71.0, 12) val allStudents = listOf( internshipStudent, studentWithTooLowResultToInternship, studentWithNotEnoughPointsForInternship, studentNotPassingBecauseOfResult, Student("Noely", "Peterson", 91.0, 22), studentNotPassingBecauseOfPoints, Student("Noe", "Samson", 41.0, 18), Student("Timothy", "Johnson", 51.0, 15), Student("Noe", "Peterson", 91.0, 22), Student("Ester", "Adams", 81.0, 30), Student("Dior", "Angel", 88.5, 38), Student("Naja", "Marcson", 100.0, 31), Student("Oregon", "Dart", 85.5, 30), Student("Ron", "Peters", 89.0, 31), Student("Harry", "Potter", 80.0, 30), Student("Sansa", "Stark", 49.5, 14), Student("Jamme", "Lannister", 80.0, 30), Student("Alex", "Nolan", 86.0, 33), Student("Jon", "Johnson", 85.1, 31), Student("James", "Johnson", 85.2, 31), Student("Jack", "Johnson", 85.3, 31) ) @Test fun `Single student that matches criteria gets biggest internship`() { val text = listOf(internshipStudent).makeBestStudentsList() val expected = "Marc Smith, \$5000" assertEquals(expected, text) } @Test fun `Single student with too low result doesn't get internship`() { val text = listOf(studentWithTooLowResultToInternship).makeBestStudentsList() assertEquals("", text) } @Test fun `Result 80 is acceptable`() { val student = Student("Noely", "Peterson", 80.0, 32) val text = listOf(student).makeBestStudentsList() assertEquals("Noely Peterson, \$5000", text) } @Test fun `30 points is acceptable`() { val student = Student("Noely", "Peterson", 81.0, 30) val text = listOf(student).makeBestStudentsList() assertEquals("Noely Peterson, \$5000", text) } @Test fun `Single student with not enough doesn't get internship`() { val text = listOf(studentWithNotEnoughPointsForInternship).makeBestStudentsList() assertEquals("", text) } @Test fun `Complex test`() { val text = allStudents.makeBestStudentsList() val expected = """ Ester Adams, ${'$'}1000 Dior Angel, ${'$'}3000 Oregon Dart, ${'$'}1000 Jack Johnson, ${'$'}1000 James Johnson, ${'$'}1000 Jon Johnson, ${'$'}1000 Naja Marcson, ${'$'}5000 Alex Nolan, ${'$'}1000 Ron Peters, ${'$'}3000 Marc Smith, ${'$'}3000 """.trimIndent() assertEquals(expected, text) } }