Solution: BaseViewModel

abstract class BaseViewModel : ViewModel() { private val _exceptions = Channel<Throwable>(Channel.UNLIMITED) val exceptions: Flow<Throwable> = _exceptions.receiveAsFlow() private val exceptionHandler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, throwable -> _exceptions.trySendBlocking(throwable) } val scope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope( SupervisorJob() + Dispatchers.Main.immediate + exceptionHandler ) override fun onCleared() { scope.coroutineContext.cancelChildren() } }

Example solution in playground

import kotlinx.coroutines.* import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.trySendBlocking import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.* import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runTest import kotlinx.coroutines.test.setMain import org.junit.Before import org.junit.Test import java.util.* import kotlin.test.assertEquals import kotlin.test.assertTrue abstract class BaseViewModel : ViewModel() { private val _exceptions = Channel<Throwable>(Channel.UNLIMITED) val exceptions: Flow<Throwable> = _exceptions.receiveAsFlow() private val exceptionHandler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, throwable -> _exceptions.trySendBlocking(throwable) } val scope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope( SupervisorJob() + Dispatchers.Main.immediate + exceptionHandler ) override fun onCleared() { scope.coroutineContext.cancelChildren() } } class MainViewModel( private val userRepo: UserRepository, private val newsRepo: NewsRepository ) : BaseViewModel() { private val _userData = MutableStateFlow<UserData?>(null) val userData: StateFlow<UserData?> = _userData private val _news = MutableStateFlow(emptyList<News>()) val news: StateFlow<List<News>> = _news init { scope.launch { _userData.value = userRepo.getUser() } scope.launch { _news.value = newsRepo.getNews() .sortedByDescending { } } } } abstract class ViewModel { open fun onCleared() {} } interface UserRepository { suspend fun getUser(): UserData } interface NewsRepository { suspend fun getNews(): List<News> } data class UserData(val name: String) data class News(val date: Date) @Suppress("FunctionName") class BaseViewModelTests { private val UI = newSingleThreadContext("UIThread") // Normally it will be Dispatchers.Main @Before fun setUp() { Dispatchers.setMain(UI) } @Test fun `onDestroy cancels all jobs`() = runTest { var jobs = listOf<Job>() val viewModel = object : BaseViewModel() { init { jobs += scope.launch { delay(Long.MAX_VALUE) } jobs += scope.launch { delay(Long.MAX_VALUE) } } } delay(200) viewModel.onCleared() delay(200) assertEquals(listOf(true, true), { it.isCancelled }) } @Test fun `Coroutines run on main thread`() = runTest { var threads = listOf<Thread>() val viewModel = object : BaseViewModel() { init { scope.launch { threads += Thread.currentThread() } } } delay(100) viewModel.onCleared() delay(100) threads.forEach { assert("UIThread")) { "We should switch to UI thread, and now we are on ${}" } } assert(threads.isNotEmpty()) } @Test fun `When a job throws an error, it is handled`(): Unit = runTest { val error1 = Error() val error2 = Error() val vm = object : BaseViewModel() { init { scope.launch { throw error1 } scope.launch { throw error2 } } } var exceptions = setOf<Throwable>() vm.exceptions.onEach { exceptions += it }.launchIn(backgroundScope) delay(200) assertEquals(setOf(error1, error2), exceptions) } class FakeViewModelForSingleExceptionHandling(val onSecondAction: () -> Unit) : BaseViewModel() { fun onCreate() { scope.launch { delay(100) throw Error() } scope.launch { delay(200) onSecondAction() } } } @Test fun `Error on a single coroutine, does not cancel others`() = runBlocking { var called = false var started = false object : BaseViewModel() { init { scope.launch { delay(100) throw Error() } scope.launch { started = true delay(200) called = true } } } delay(300) assertTrue(started) assertTrue(called) } }