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Exercise: Suspended lazy

Implement suspendLazy, which creates a lazy value that is computed when it is needed for the first time. The main difference between suspendLazy and lazy is that suspendLazy has a suspending initializer and a function to get a value.

val config: suspend () -> Config = suspendLazy { service.fetchConfig() } suspend fun getConfig(): UserData = config()

Starting code:

fun <T> suspendLazy(initializer: suspend () -> T):SuspendLazy<T> = TODO() interface SuspendLazy<T> : suspend () -> T { val isInitialized: Boolean fun valueOrNull(): T? override suspend operator fun invoke(): T }

Make sure that initializer is called only once, even if get is called from multiple coroutines.

This problem can either be solved in the below playground or you can clone kotlin-exercises project and solve it locally. In the project, you can find code template for this exercise in coroutines/recipes/SuspendLazy.kt. You can find there starting code and unit tests.

Once you are done with the exercise, you can check your solution here.


import kotlinx.coroutines.* import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock import kotlinx.coroutines.test.advanceTimeBy import kotlinx.coroutines.test.currentTime import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runCurrent import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runTest import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext import org.junit.Test import kotlin.test.assertEquals import kotlin.test.assertTrue fun <T> suspendLazy(initializer: suspend () -> T):SuspendLazy<T> = TODO() interface SuspendLazy<T> : suspend () -> T { val isInitialized: Boolean fun valueOrNull(): T? override suspend operator fun invoke(): T } class SuspendLazyTest { @Test fun should_produce_value() = runTest { val lazyValue = suspendLazy { delay(1000); 123 } assertEquals(123, lazyValue()) assertEquals(1000, currentTime) } @Test fun should_not_recalculate_value() = runTest { var next = 1 val lazyValue = suspendLazy { delay(1000); next++ } assertEquals(1, lazyValue()) assertEquals(1, lazyValue()) assertEquals(1, lazyValue()) assertEquals(1, lazyValue()) assertEquals(1000, currentTime) } @Test fun should_not_calculate_value_multiple_times_when_multiple_coroutines_access_it() = runBlocking { var calculatedTimes = 0 val lazyValue = suspendLazy { delay(1000); calculatedTimes++ } coroutineScope { repeat(10_000) { launch { lazyValue() } } } assertEquals(1, calculatedTimes) } @Test fun should_try_again_when_failure_during_value_initialization() = runTest { var next = 0 val lazyValue = suspendLazy { val v = next++ if (v < 2) throw Error() v } assertTrue(runCatching { lazyValue() }.isFailure) assertTrue(runCatching { lazyValue() }.isFailure) assertEquals(2, lazyValue()) assertEquals(2, lazyValue()) assertEquals(2, lazyValue()) } @Test fun should_use_context_of_the_first_caller() = runTest { var ctx: CoroutineContext? = null val lazyValue = suspendLazy { ctx = currentCoroutineContext() 123 } val name1 = CoroutineName("ABC") withContext(name1) { lazyValue() } assertEquals(name1, ctx?.get(CoroutineName)) val name2 = CoroutineName("DEF") withContext(name2) { lazyValue() } assertEquals(name1, ctx?.get(CoroutineName)) } @Test fun should_set_is_initialized() = runTest { val lazyValue = suspendLazy { delay(1000); 123 } assertEquals(false, lazyValue.isInitialized) launch { lazyValue() } assertEquals(false, lazyValue.isInitialized) advanceTimeBy(1000) assertEquals(false, lazyValue.isInitialized) runCurrent() assertEquals(true, lazyValue.isInitialized) } }