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Exercise: ProductService

Implement the observeProducts function in the ProductService class, which should return a flow of Product objects based on the given categories parameter. The function should meet the following requirements:

  • Observe product updates from the productRepository.
  • Do not emit the same product twice in a row.
  • Map each product update to Product object using the productRepository. Products should be fetched concurrently.
  • Filter the products based on the provided categories set, emitting only the products whose category is present in the set.
  • Increment the activeObservers count when the flow starts and decrement it when the flow completes.

Starting code:

class ProductService( private val productRepository: ProductRepository, backgroundScope: CoroutineScope, ) { private val activeObservers = AtomicInteger(0) fun observeProducts(categories: Set<String>): Flow<Product> = TODO() fun activeObserversCount(): Int = activeObservers.get() } interface ProductRepository { // Emits ids of the products that got updated fun observeProductUpdates(): Flow<String> suspend fun fetchProduct(id: String): Product } data class Product( val id: String, val category: String, val name: String, val price: Double, )

This problem can either be solved in the below playground or you can clone kotlin-exercises project and solve it locally. In the project, you can find code template for this exercise in coroutines/flow/ProductService.kt. You can find there starting code and unit tests.

Once you are done with the exercise, you can check your solution here.


import coroutines.flow.productservice.TestData.product1 import coroutines.flow.productservice.TestData.product2 import coroutines.flow.productservice.TestData.product3 import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel import kotlinx.coroutines.delay import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.* import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import kotlinx.coroutines.test.advanceUntilIdle import kotlinx.coroutines.test.currentTime import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runCurrent import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runTest import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals import org.junit.Test import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger class ProductService( private val productRepository: ProductRepository, backgroundScope: CoroutineScope, ) { private val activeObservers = AtomicInteger(0) fun observeProducts(categories: Set<String>): Flow<Product> = TODO() fun activeObserversCount(): Int = activeObservers.get() } interface ProductRepository { // Emits ids of the products that got updated fun observeProductUpdates(): Flow<String> suspend fun fetchProduct(id: String): Product } data class Product( val id: String, val category: String, val name: String, val price: Double, ) @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi class ProductServiceTest { @Test fun `should emit distinct products`() = runTest { val fakeProductRepository = FakeProductRepository() val productService = ProductService(fakeProductRepository, backgroundScope) val categories = setOf(product1.category) val observedProducts = mutableListOf<Product>() productService.observeProducts(categories) .onEach { observedProducts.add(it) } .launchIn(backgroundScope) runCurrent() fakeProductRepository.updatesHasOccurred(,,, runCurrent() assertEquals(1, observedProducts.size) assertEquals("1", observedProducts[0].id) } @Test fun `should filter products by category`() = runTest { val fakeProductRepository = FakeProductRepository() val productService = ProductService(fakeProductRepository, backgroundScope) val categories = setOf(product2.category) val observedProducts = mutableListOf<Product>() productService.observeProducts(categories) .onEach { observedProducts.add(it) } .launchIn(backgroundScope) runCurrent() fakeProductRepository.updatesHasOccurred(,,, runCurrent() assertEquals(1, observedProducts.size) assertEquals("2", observedProducts[0].id) } @Test fun `should map product IDs to products`() = runTest { val fakeProductRepository = FakeProductRepository() val productService = ProductService(fakeProductRepository, backgroundScope) val categories = setOf(product1.category, product2.category) val observedProducts = mutableListOf<Product>() productService.observeProducts(categories) .onEach { observedProducts.add(it) } .launchIn(backgroundScope) runCurrent() fakeProductRepository.updatesHasOccurred(,,, runCurrent() assertEquals(2, observedProducts.size) assertEquals("Smartphone", observedProducts[0].name) assertEquals("Novel", observedProducts[1].name) } @Test fun `should count active observers`() = runTest { val fakeProductRepository = FakeProductRepository() val productService = ProductService(fakeProductRepository, backgroundScope) assertEquals(0, productService.activeObserversCount()) val job1 = backgroundScope.launch { productService.observeProducts(setOf(product1.category)).collect() } runCurrent() assertEquals(1, productService.activeObserversCount()) val job2 = backgroundScope.launch { productService.observeProducts(setOf(product1.category)).collect() } runCurrent() assertEquals(2, productService.activeObserversCount()) job2.cancel() runCurrent() assertEquals(1, productService.activeObserversCount()) job1.cancel() runCurrent() assertEquals(0, productService.activeObserversCount()) } @Test fun `should not complete when there are active observers`() = runTest { val fakeProductRepository = FakeProductRepository() val productService = ProductService(fakeProductRepository, backgroundScope) val categories = setOf(product1.category) val observedProducts = mutableListOf<Product>() val job = backgroundScope.launch { productService.observeProducts(categories) .onEach { observedProducts.add(it) } .collect() } runCurrent() fakeProductRepository.updatesHasOccurred(,,, runCurrent() assertEquals(1, observedProducts.size) assertEquals("1", observedProducts[0].id) job.cancel() runCurrent() fakeProductRepository.updatesHasOccurred(,,, runCurrent() assertEquals(1, observedProducts.size) } @Test fun `should fetch products concurrently`() = runTest { val fakeProductRepository = FakeProductRepository(fetchProductsDelay = 1000) val productService = ProductService(fakeProductRepository, backgroundScope) val categories = setOf(product1.category, product2.category) val observedProducts = Channel<Product>(Channel.UNLIMITED) productService.observeProducts(categories) .onEach { observedProducts.send(it) } .launchIn(backgroundScope) runCurrent() fakeProductRepository.updatesHasOccurred(,,, waiting for all products observedProducts.consumeAsFlow().take(2).collect() should take as much as a single fetch assertEquals(1000, currentTime) } @Test fun `should not limit the number of fetched products`() = runTest { val products = List(1000) { // Big number of products to fetch Product( id = "id$it", category = "ALL", name = "name$it", price = it.toDouble(), ) } val fakeProductRepository = FakeProductRepository(fetchProductsDelay = 1000, products = products) val productService = ProductService(fakeProductRepository, backgroundScope) val observedProducts = Channel<Product>(Channel.UNLIMITED) productService.observeProducts(setOf("ALL")) .onEach { observedProducts.send(it) } .launchIn(backgroundScope) runCurrent() fakeProductRepository.updatesHasOccurred(* { }.toTypedArray()) advanceUntilIdle() waiting for all products observedProducts.consumeAsFlow().take(products.size).collect() should take as much as a single fetch assertEquals(1000, currentTime) } } object TestData { val product1 = Product("1", "electronics", "Smartphone", 500.0) val product2 = Product("2", "books", "Novel", 20.0) val product3 = Product("3", "clothing", "T-Shirt", 15.0) } class FakeProductRepository( private val fetchProductsDelay: Long = 0, private val products: List<Product> = listOf( product1, product2, product3 ) ) : ProductRepository { private val updates = MutableSharedFlow<String>() var observers = 0 private set var productFetchCounter = 0 private set override fun observeProductUpdates(): Flow<String> = updates .onStart { observers++ } .onCompletion { observers-- } override suspend fun fetchProduct(id: String): Product { productFetchCounter++ if (fetchProductsDelay > 0) { delay(fetchProductsDelay) } return products.first { == id } } suspend fun updatesHasOccurred(vararg ids: String) { ids.forEach { updates.emit(it) } } }