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Exercise: PriceService

In your application, you need to store the prices of a large number of products. You keep them in the PriceService class. You want to expose a flow of prices that first emits the current prices of all the products, and then only the prices that have changed. Should not send empty updates. This service should also expose the current prices as a function. No matter how many observers there are, there should be only one price observer from PriceRepository.

class PriceService( priceRepository: PriceRepository, backgroundScope: CoroutineScope, ) { fun observePrices(): Flow<Map<ProductId, PriceConfig>> =TODO() fun currentPrices(): Map<ProductId, PriceConfig> = TODO() }

This problem can either be solved in the below playground or you can clone kotlin-exercises project and solve it locally. In the project, you can find code template for this exercise in coroutines/flow/PriceService.kt. You can find there starting code and unit tests.

Once you are done with the exercise, you can check your solution here.


import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope import kotlinx.coroutines.delay import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.* import kotlinx.coroutines.test.currentTime import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runCurrent import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runTest import org.junit.Test import java.math.BigDecimal import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap import kotlin.test.assertEquals class PriceService( priceRepository: PriceRepository, backgroundScope: CoroutineScope, ) { fun observePrices(): Flow<Map<ProductId, PriceConfig>> =TODO() fun currentPrices(): Map<ProductId, PriceConfig> = TODO() } interface PriceRepository { fun observeUpdates(): Flow<Map<ProductId, PriceConfig>> } data class ProductId(val value: String) class PriceConfig( val prices: Map<String, Map<Currency, BigDecimal>>, ) enum class Currency { USD, EUR, GBP } class PriceServiceTest { val product1 = ProductId("1") val product2 = ProductId("2") val product3 = ProductId("3") val config1 = PriceConfig(mapOf("1" to mapOf(Currency.USD to BigDecimal("1.0")))) val config2 = PriceConfig( mapOf( "1" to mapOf(Currency.USD to BigDecimal("1.0")), "2" to mapOf(Currency.USD to BigDecimal("2.0")) ) ) val config3 = PriceConfig(mapOf("3" to mapOf(Currency.USD to BigDecimal("3.0")))) @Test fun `should send past prices`() = runTest { val priceRepository = FakePriceRepository() val priceService = PriceService(priceRepository, backgroundScope) delay(100) priceRepository.emitPrices(mapOf(product1 to config1)) priceRepository.emitPrices(mapOf(product2 to config2)) var observer1Updates = listOf<Pair<Long, Map<ProductId, PriceConfig>>>() priceService.observePrices() .onEach { observer1Updates = observer1Updates + (currentTime to it) } .launchIn(backgroundScope) runCurrent() assertEquals( listOf(100L to mapOf(product1 to config1, product2 to config2)), observer1Updates ) } @Test fun `should send updates prices`() = runTest { val priceRepository = FakePriceRepository() val priceService = PriceService(priceRepository, backgroundScope) var observer1Updates = listOf<Pair<Long, Map<ProductId, PriceConfig>>>() priceService.observePrices() .onEach { observer1Updates = observer1Updates + (currentTime to it) } .launchIn(backgroundScope) delay(100) priceRepository.emitPrices(mapOf(product1 to config1)) delay(100) priceRepository.emitPrices(mapOf(product2 to config2)) runCurrent() assertEquals( listOf( 100L to mapOf(product1 to config1), 200L to mapOf(product2 to config2), ), observer1Updates ) } @Test fun `should send past prices and then updates only`() = runTest { val priceRepository = FakePriceRepository() val priceService = PriceService(priceRepository, backgroundScope) delay(100) priceRepository.emitPrices(mapOf(product1 to config1)) delay(100) priceRepository.emitPrices(mapOf(product2 to config2)) var observer1Updates = listOf<Pair<Long, Map<ProductId, PriceConfig>>>() priceService.observePrices() .onEach { observer1Updates = observer1Updates + (currentTime to it) } .launchIn(backgroundScope) runCurrent() assertEquals( listOf(200L to mapOf(product1 to config1, product2 to config2)), observer1Updates ) delay(100) priceRepository.emitPrices(mapOf(product3 to config3)) var observer2Updates = listOf<Pair<Long, Map<ProductId, PriceConfig>>>() priceService.observePrices() .onEach { observer2Updates = observer2Updates + (currentTime to it) } .launchIn(backgroundScope) delay(100) priceRepository.emitPrices(mapOf(product1 to config2)) runCurrent() assertEquals( listOf( 200L to mapOf(product1 to config1, product2 to config2), 300L to mapOf(product3 to config3), 400L to mapOf(product1 to config2), ), observer1Updates ) assertEquals( listOf( 300L to mapOf(product1 to config1, product2 to config2, product3 to config3), 400L to mapOf(product1 to config2), ), observer2Updates ) } @Test fun `should reuse the same connection`() = runTest { val priceRepository = FakePriceRepository() val priceService = PriceService(priceRepository, backgroundScope) priceService.observePrices().launchIn(backgroundScope) priceService.observePrices().launchIn(backgroundScope) priceService.observePrices().launchIn(backgroundScope) runCurrent() assertEquals(1, priceRepository.observersCount()) } } class FakePriceRepository : PriceRepository { private val observer = MutableSharedFlow<Map<ProductId, PriceConfig>>() private var observersCount = 0 override fun observeUpdates(): Flow<Map<ProductId, PriceConfig>> = observer .onSubscription { observersCount++ } suspend fun emitPrices(prices: Map<ProductId, PriceConfig>) { observer.emit(prices) } fun observersCount() = observersCount }