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Exercise: Pretty time display

Implement the secondsToPrettyTime function that takes an integer number of seconds and returns a string representation of the time in the following format: "X h Y min Z sec", where X, Y, and Z are the number of hours, minutes, and seconds respectively. If a value is zero, return "Now". If the input is negative, return "Invalid input".

fun secondsToPrettyTime(seconds: Int): String { return "" }

Example usage:

println(secondsToPrettyTime(-1)) // Invalid input println(secondsToPrettyTime(0)) // Now println(secondsToPrettyTime(45)) // 45 sec println(secondsToPrettyTime(60)) // 1 min println(secondsToPrettyTime(150)) // 2 min 30 sec println(secondsToPrettyTime(1410)) // 23 min 30 sec println(secondsToPrettyTime(60 * 60)) // 1 h println(secondsToPrettyTime(3665)) // 1 h 1 min 5 sec

This problem can either be solved in the below playground or you can clone kotlin-exercises project and solve it locally. In the project, you can find code template for this exercise in essentials/conditions/PrettyTime.kt. You can find there starting code, example usage and unit tests.

Hint: You can use trim function on a string to remove leading and trailing whitespace characters.

Once you are done with the exercise, you can check your solution here.


import org.junit.Test import kotlin.test.assertEquals fun secondsToPrettyTime(seconds: Int): String { return "" } fun main() { println(secondsToPrettyTime(-1)) // Invalid input println(secondsToPrettyTime(0)) // Now println(secondsToPrettyTime(45)) // 45 sec println(secondsToPrettyTime(60)) // 1 min println(secondsToPrettyTime(150)) // 2 min 30 sec println(secondsToPrettyTime(1410)) // 23 min 30 sec println(secondsToPrettyTime(60 * 60)) // 1 h println(secondsToPrettyTime(3665)) // 1 h 1 min 5 sec } class PrettyTimeTest { @Test fun testNegativeSeconds() { val seconds = -1 val expected = "Invalid input" assertEquals(expected, secondsToPrettyTime(seconds)) } @Test fun testOnlySeconds() { val seconds = 45 val expected = "45 sec" assertEquals(expected, secondsToPrettyTime(seconds)) } @Test fun testOnlyMinutes() { val seconds = 60 val expected = "1 min" assertEquals(expected, secondsToPrettyTime(seconds)) } @Test fun testMinutesAndSeconds() { val seconds = 150 val expected = "2 min 30 sec" assertEquals(expected, secondsToPrettyTime(seconds)) } @Test fun testMinutesAndSecondsWithRemainder() { val seconds = 1410 val expected = "23 min 30 sec" assertEquals(expected, secondsToPrettyTime(seconds)) } @Test fun testOnlyHours() { val seconds = 3600 val expected = "1 h" assertEquals(expected, secondsToPrettyTime(seconds)) } @Test fun testHoursMinutesAndSeconds() { val seconds = 3665 val expected = "1 h 1 min 5 sec" assertEquals(expected, secondsToPrettyTime(seconds)) } @Test fun testZeroSeconds() { val seconds = 0 val expected = "Now" assertEquals(expected, secondsToPrettyTime(seconds)) } @Test fun testHoursMinutesSecondsWithZeroMinutes() { val seconds = 3605 val expected = "1 h 5 sec" assertEquals(expected, secondsToPrettyTime(seconds)) } @Test fun testHoursMinutesWithZeroSeconds() { val seconds = 7200 val expected = "2 h" assertEquals(expected, secondsToPrettyTime(seconds)) } @Test fun testMinutesSecondsWithZeroHours() { val seconds = 150 val expected = "2 min 30 sec" assertEquals(expected, secondsToPrettyTime(seconds)) } @Test fun testLargeValue() { val seconds = 123456789 val expected = "34293 h 33 min 9 sec" assertEquals(expected, secondsToPrettyTime(seconds)) } }