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Exercise: Object serialization to JSON

Your task is to implement a function to serialize a Kotlin object to JSON. The resulting text should include all class member properties. You should support primitive types, iterables (present as an array), and map type (present as an object). You should also support nested objects. Do not use any external libraries. Kotlin's reflection is all you need.

You should support the following annotations:

  • @SerializationName - can be applied to a property to change its name in the resulting JSON.
  • @SerializationIgnore - can be applied to a property to ignore it in the resulting JSON.
  • @SerializationNameMapper - can be applied to a class or property to specify a custom name mapper. The mapper should implement the NameMapper interface. This mapper can be an object declaration or a class with a no-arg constructor.
  • @SerializationIgnoreNulls - can be applied to a class to ignore all null properties in the resulting JSON.
@Target(AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY) annotation class SerializationName(val name: String) @Target(AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY) annotation class SerializationIgnore @Target(AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY, AnnotationTarget.CLASS) annotation class SerializationNameMapper( val mapper: KClass<out NameMapper> ) @Target(AnnotationTarget.CLASS) annotation class SerializationIgnoreNulls interface NameMapper { fun map(name: String): String }
fun serializeToJson(value: Any): String = TODO()

Example usage:

@SerializationNameMapper(SnakeCaseName::class) @SerializationIgnoreNulls class Creature( val name: String, @SerializationName("att") val attack: Int, @SerializationName("def") val defence: Int, val traits: List<Trait>, val elementCost: Map<Element, Int>, @SerializationNameMapper(LowerCaseName::class) val isSpecial: Boolean, @SerializationIgnore var used: Boolean = false, val extraDetails: String? = null, ) object LowerCaseName : NameMapper { override fun map(name: String): String = name.lowercase() } class SnakeCaseName : NameMapper { val pattern = "(?<=.)[A-Z]".toRegex() override fun map(name: String): String = name.replace(pattern, "_$0").lowercase() } enum class Element { FOREST, ANY, } enum class Trait { FLYING } fun main() { val creature = Creature( name = "Cockatrice", attack = 2, defence = 4, traits = listOf(Trait.FLYING), elementCost = mapOf( Element.ANY to 3, Element.FOREST to 2 ), isSpecial = true, ) println(serializeToJson(creature)) // {"att": 2, "def": 4, // "element_cost": {"ANY": 3, "FOREST": 2}, // "isspecial": true, "name": "Cockatrice", // "traits": ["FLYING"]} }

This problem can either be solved in the below playground or you can clone kotlin-exercises project and solve it locally. In the project, you can find code template for this exercise in advanced/reflection/JsonSerializer.kt. You can find there starting code, example usage and unit tests.

Once you are done with the exercise, you can check your solution here.


import org.junit.Test import kotlin.reflect.KClass import kotlin.reflect.full.findAnnotation import kotlin.reflect.full.hasAnnotation import kotlin.reflect.full.memberProperties import kotlin.test.assertEquals fun serializeToJson(value: Any): String = TODO() @SerializationNameMapper(SnakeCaseName::class) @SerializationIgnoreNulls class Creature( val name: String, @SerializationName("att") val attack: Int, @SerializationName("def") val defence: Int, val traits: List<Trait>, val elementCost: Map<Element, Int>, @SerializationNameMapper(LowerCaseName::class) val isSpecial: Boolean, @SerializationIgnore var used: Boolean = false, val extraDetails: String? = null, ) object LowerCaseName : NameMapper { override fun map(name: String): String = name.lowercase() } class SnakeCaseName : NameMapper { val pattern = "(?<=.)[A-Z]".toRegex() override fun map(name: String): String = name.replace(pattern, "_$0").lowercase() } enum class Element { FOREST, ANY, } enum class Trait { FLYING } fun main() { val creature = Creature( name = "Cockatrice", attack = 2, defence = 4, traits = listOf(Trait.FLYING), elementCost = mapOf( Element.ANY to 3, Element.FOREST to 2 ), isSpecial = true, ) println(serializeToJson(creature)) // {"att": 2, "def": 4, // "element_cost": {"ANY": 3, "FOREST": 2}, // "isspecial": true, "name": "Cockatrice", // "traits": ["FLYING"]} } @Target(AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY) annotation class SerializationName(val name: String) @Target(AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY) annotation class SerializationIgnore @Target(AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY, AnnotationTarget.CLASS) annotation class SerializationNameMapper(val mapper: KClass<out NameMapper>) @Target(AnnotationTarget.CLASS) annotation class SerializationIgnoreNulls interface NameMapper { fun map(name: String): String } class JsonSerializerTest { @Test fun `should serialize numbers`() { assertEquals("10", serializeToJson(10)) assertEquals("123", serializeToJson(123)) } @Test fun `should serialize string`() { assertEquals("\"ABC\"", serializeToJson("ABC")) assertEquals("\"A B C\"", serializeToJson("A B C")) } @Test fun `should serialize object with string`() { class ExampleClass(val s1: String, val s2: String) assertEquals( "{\"s1\": \"ABC\", \"s2\": \"DEF\"}", serializeToJson(ExampleClass("ABC", "DEF")) ) } @Test fun `should serialize nested objects`() { class Name(val value: String) class Box(val name: Name) assertEquals( "{\"name\": {\"value\": \"ABC\"}}", serializeToJson(Box(Name("ABC"))) ) } @Test fun `should serialize list`() { class ExampleClass(val names: List<String>, val grades: List<Int>) assertEquals( "{\"grades\": [3, 4, 3], \"names\": [\"A\", \"B\", \"C\"]}", serializeToJson(ExampleClass(listOf("A", "B", "C"), listOf(3, 4, 3))) ) } @Test fun `should serialize map`() { class ExampleClass(val grades: Map<String, Int>) assertEquals( "{\"grades\": {\"Alex\": 5, \"Beatrice\": 1}}", serializeToJson(ExampleClass(mapOf("Alex" to 5, "Beatrice" to 1))) ) } @Test fun `should serialize complex object`() { class Creature( val name: String, val attack: Int, val defence: Int, val traits: List<Trait>, val cost: Map<Element, Int>, ) val creature = Creature( name = "Cockatrice", attack = 2, defence = 4, traits = listOf(Trait.FLYING), cost = mapOf( Element.ANY to 3, Element.FOREST to 2 ) ) assertEquals( "{\"attack\": 2, \"cost\": {\"ANY\": 3, \"FOREST\": 2}, \"defence\": 4, \"name\": \"Cockatrice\", \"traits\": [\"FLYING\"]}", serializeToJson(creature) ) } @Test fun `should ignore properties`() { class Creature( @SerializationIgnore val name: String, val attack: Int, val defence: Int, val traits: List<Trait>, val cost: Map<Element, Int>, ) val creature = Creature( name = "Cockatrice", attack = 2, defence = 4, traits = listOf(Trait.FLYING), cost = mapOf( Element.ANY to 3, Element.FOREST to 2 ) ) assertEquals( "{\"attack\": 2, \"cost\": {\"ANY\": 3, \"FOREST\": 2}, \"defence\": 4, \"traits\": [\"FLYING\"]}", serializeToJson(creature) ) } @Test fun `should use different property names`() { class Creature( val name: String, @SerializationName("att") val attack: Int, @SerializationName("def") val defence: Int, val traits: List<Trait>, val cost: Map<Element, Int>, ) val creature = Creature( name = "Cockatrice", attack = 2, defence = 4, traits = listOf(Trait.FLYING), cost = mapOf( Element.ANY to 3, Element.FOREST to 2 ) ) assertEquals( "{\"att\": 2, \"cost\": {\"ANY\": 3, \"FOREST\": 2}, \"def\": 4, \"name\": \"Cockatrice\", \"traits\": [\"FLYING\"]}", serializeToJson(creature) ) } @Test fun `should use class mapper`() { @SerializationNameMapper(SnakeCaseName::class) class Creature( val longName: String, val traitsList: List<Trait>, val elementCost: Map<Element, Int>, val isSpecial: Boolean, var isUserAlready: Boolean = false, ) val creature = Creature( longName = "Cockatrice", traitsList = listOf(Trait.FLYING), elementCost = mapOf( Element.ANY to 3, Element.FOREST to 2 ), isSpecial = true, ) assertEquals( "{\"element_cost\": {\"ANY\": 3, \"FOREST\": 2}, \"is_special\": true, \"is_user_already\": false, \"long_name\": \"Cockatrice\", \"traits_list\": [\"FLYING\"]}", serializeToJson(creature) ) } @Test fun `should use property mapper`() { class Creature( @SerializationNameMapper(SnakeCaseName::class) val longName: String, @SerializationNameMapper(LowerCaseName::class) val traitsList: List<Trait>, @SerializationNameMapper(SnakeCaseName::class) val elementCost: Map<Element, Int>, @SerializationNameMapper(LowerCaseName::class) val isSpecial: Boolean, @SerializationNameMapper(SnakeCaseName::class) var isUserAlready: Boolean = false, ) val creature = Creature( longName = "Cockatrice", traitsList = listOf(Trait.FLYING), elementCost = mapOf( Element.ANY to 3, Element.FOREST to 2 ), isSpecial = true, ) assertEquals( "{\"element_cost\": {\"ANY\": 3, \"FOREST\": 2}, \"isspecial\": true, \"is_user_already\": false, \"long_name\": \"Cockatrice\", \"traitslist\": [\"FLYING\"]}", serializeToJson(creature) ) } @Test fun `should override class mapper with property mapper`() { @SerializationNameMapper(SnakeCaseName::class) class Creature( val longName: String, @SerializationNameMapper(LowerCaseName::class) val traitsList: List<Trait>, val elementCost: Map<Element, Int>, @SerializationNameMapper(LowerCaseName::class) val isSpecial: Boolean, var isUsedAlready: Boolean = false, ) val creature = Creature( longName = "Cockatrice", traitsList = listOf(Trait.FLYING), elementCost = mapOf( Element.ANY to 3, Element.FOREST to 2 ), isSpecial = true, ) assertEquals( "{\"element_cost\": {\"ANY\": 3, \"FOREST\": 2}, \"isspecial\": true, \"is_used_already\": false, \"long_name\": \"Cockatrice\", \"traitslist\": [\"FLYING\"]}", serializeToJson(creature) ) } @Test fun `should override mappers with property name`() { @SerializationNameMapper(SnakeCaseName::class) class Creature( @SerializationName("name") val longName: String, val traitsList: List<Trait>, val elementCost: Map<Element, Int>, @SerializationName("special") val isSpecial: Boolean, var isUserAlready: Boolean = false, ) val creature = Creature( longName = "Cockatrice", traitsList = listOf(Trait.FLYING), elementCost = mapOf( Element.ANY to 3, Element.FOREST to 2 ), isSpecial = true, ) assertEquals( "{\"element_cost\": {\"ANY\": 3, \"FOREST\": 2}, \"special\": true, \"is_user_already\": false, \"name\": \"Cockatrice\", \"traits_list\": [\"FLYING\"]}", serializeToJson(creature) ) } @Test fun `should ignore nulls if annotation used`() { @SerializationIgnoreNulls class CreatureIgnoringNulls( val name: String, val attack: Int?, val defence: Int?, val extraDetails: String?, ) class Creature( val name: String, val attack: Int?, val defence: Int?, val extraDetails: String?, ) val creatureIgnoring = CreatureIgnoringNulls( name = "Cockatrice", attack = null, defence = 4, extraDetails = null, ) assertEquals( "{\"defence\": 4, \"name\": \"Cockatrice\"}", serializeToJson(creatureIgnoring) ) val creature = Creature( name = "Cockatrice", attack = null, defence = 4, extraDetails = null, ) assertEquals( "{\"attack\": null, \"defence\": 4, \"extraDetails\": null, \"name\": \"Cockatrice\"}", serializeToJson(creature) ) } enum class Element { FOREST, ANY, } enum class Trait { FLYING } }