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Exercise: NotificationSender

Implement NotificationSender so that it sends notifications concurrently using NotificationClient. Notifications should be sent asynchronously using the scope property. This scope should include dispatcher. When an exception occurs while sending a notification, it should be collected using ExceptionCollector and it should not prevent other notifications from being sent. When cancel method is called, it should cancel all coroutines that are sending notifications, but it should not prevent future notifications being sent.

class NotificationSender( private val client: NotificationClient, private val exceptionCollector: ExceptionCollector, dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, ) { val scope: CoroutineScope = TODO() fun sendNotifications(notifications: List<Notification>) { // TODO } fun cancel() { // TODO } }

This problem can either be solved in the below playground or you can clone kotlin-exercises project and solve it locally. In the project, you can find code template for this exercise in coroutines/scope/NotificationSender.kt. You can find there starting code and unit tests.

Once you are done with the exercise, you can check your solution here.


import kotlinx.coroutines.* import kotlinx.coroutines.test.StandardTestDispatcher import org.junit.Test import kotlin.test.assertEquals class NotificationSender( private val client: NotificationClient, private val exceptionCollector: ExceptionCollector, dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, ) { val scope: CoroutineScope = TODO() fun sendNotifications(notifications: List<Notification>) { // TODO } fun cancel() { // TODO } } data class Notification(val id: String) interface NotificationClient { suspend fun send(notification: Notification) } interface ExceptionCollector { fun collectException(throwable: Throwable) } class NotificationSenderTest { @Test fun `should send notifications concurrently`() { val fakeNotificationsClient = FakeNotificationClient(delayTime = 200) val fakeExceptionCollector = FakeExceptionCollector() val testDispatcher = StandardTestDispatcher() val sender = NotificationSender(fakeNotificationsClient, fakeExceptionCollector, testDispatcher) val notifications = List(20) { Notification("ID$it") } // when sender.sendNotifications(notifications) testDispatcher.scheduler.advanceUntilIdle() // then assertEquals(notifications, fakeNotificationsClient.sent) assertEquals(200, testDispatcher.scheduler.currentTime, "Notifications should be sent concurrently") } @Test fun `should cancel all coroutines when cancel is called`() { val fakeNotificationsClient = FakeNotificationClient(delayTime = 1000) val fakeExceptionCollector = FakeExceptionCollector() val testDispatcher = StandardTestDispatcher() val sender = NotificationSender(fakeNotificationsClient, fakeExceptionCollector, testDispatcher) val notifications = List(20) { Notification("ID$it") } // when sender.sendNotifications(notifications) testDispatcher.scheduler.advanceTimeBy(500) sender.cancel() // then assert(sender.scope.coroutineContext.job.children.all { it.isCancelled }) // and scope should still be active assert(sender.scope.isActive) } @Test fun `should not cancel other sending processes when one of them fails`() { val fakeNotificationsClient = FakeNotificationClient(delayTime = 100, failEvery = 10) val fakeExceptionCollector = FakeExceptionCollector() val testDispatcher = StandardTestDispatcher() val sender = NotificationSender(fakeNotificationsClient, fakeExceptionCollector, testDispatcher) val notifications = List(100) { Notification("ID$it") } // when sender.sendNotifications(notifications) testDispatcher.scheduler.advanceUntilIdle() // then assertEquals(90, fakeNotificationsClient.sent.size) } @Test fun `should collect exceptions from all coroutines`() { val fakeNotificationsClient = FakeNotificationClient(delayTime = 100, failEvery = 10) val fakeExceptionCollector = FakeExceptionCollector() val testDispatcher = StandardTestDispatcher() val sender = NotificationSender(fakeNotificationsClient, fakeExceptionCollector, testDispatcher) val notifications = List(100) { Notification("ID$it") } // when sender.sendNotifications(notifications) testDispatcher.scheduler.advanceUntilIdle() // then assertEquals(10, fakeExceptionCollector.collected.size) } } class FakeNotificationClient( val delayTime: Long = 0L, val failEvery: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE ) : NotificationClient { var sent = emptyList<Notification>() var counter = 0 var usedThreads = emptyList<String>() override suspend fun send(notification: Notification) { if (delayTime > 0) delay(delayTime) usedThreads += Thread.currentThread().name counter++ if (counter % failEvery == 0) { throw FakeFailure(notification) } sent += notification } } class FakeFailure(val notification: Notification) : Throwable("Planned fail for notification ${}") class FakeExceptionCollector : ExceptionCollector { var collected = emptyList<Throwable>() override fun collectException(throwable: Throwable) = synchronized(this) { collected += throwable } }