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Exercise: Correct InMemoryUserRepository

Fix InMemoryUserRepository. Before you start, can you identify all the problems? Analyze the code and note what might go wrong.

class InMemoryUserRepository { private val users = mutableSetOf<User>() fun addUser(user: User) { users.add(user) } fun getUsers() = users fun hasUser(user: User): Boolean = user in users fun changeSurname(userId: Int, newSurname: String) { users.find { == userId }?.surname = newSurname } fun changeAllSurnames(newSurname: String) { users.forEach { it.surname = newSurname } } data class User( val id: Int, val name: String, var surname: String ) }

Here are concrete problems that you should fix:

  • the code should not expose a mutation point.
  • should allow concurrent user addition.
  • should allow concurrent surname changes.
  • a surname change should not cause problems with finding this user.
  • should allow parallel write and read.
  • when we set new surnames, they should all be the same.

This problem can either be solved in the below playground or you can clone kotlin-exercises project and solve it locally. In the project, you can find code template for this exercise in effective/safe/InMemoryUserRepository.kt. You can find there starting code and unit tests.

Once you are done with the exercise, you can check your solution here.


import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.coroutineScope import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals import org.junit.Assert.assertThrows import org.junit.Before import org.junit.Test import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException import kotlin.reflect.full.memberFunctions import kotlin.reflect.typeOf import kotlin.test.* class InMemoryUserRepository { private val users = mutableSetOf<User>() fun addUser(user: User) { users.add(user) } fun getUsers() = users fun hasUser(user: User): Boolean = user in users fun changeSurname(userId: Int, newSurname: String) { users.find { == userId }?.surname = newSurname } fun changeAllSurnames(newSurname: String) { users.forEach { it.surname = newSurname } } data class User( val id: Int, val name: String, var surname: String ) } class InMemoryNewsRepositoryTest { lateinit var repo: InMemoryUserRepository @Before fun setup() { repo = InMemoryUserRepository() List(1000) { InMemoryUserRepository.User(it * 2, "Name$it", "Surname$it") } .forEach { repo.addUser(it) } } @OptIn(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class) @Test fun `getUsers should not expose mutation point`() { assertEquals(typeOf<Set<InMemoryUserRepository.User>>(), InMemoryUserRepository::getUsers.returnType) } @Test fun `should allow concurrent user addition`(): Unit = runBlocking(Dispatchers.IO) { val newUsers = List(1000) { InMemoryUserRepository.User(it * 2, "NewName$it", "NewSurname$it") } coroutineScope { for (newUser in newUsers) { launch { repo.addUser(newUser) } } } assertEquals(2000, repo.getUsers().size) } @Test fun `should allow concurrent username change`(): Unit = runBlocking(Dispatchers.IO) { val users = repo.getUsers() coroutineScope { for (user in users) { launch { repo.changeSurname(, "NewSurname") } } } assertEquals(1000, repo.getUsers().size) assertEquals(List(1000) { "NewSurname" }, repo.getUsers().map { it.surname }) } @Test fun `should not have user lost after surname change`() { val users = repo.getUsers() val newUsers = mutableListOf<InMemoryUserRepository.User>() for (user in users) { val newSurname = "NewSurname${}" repo.changeSurname(, newSurname) newUsers.add(user.copy(surname = newSurname)) } for (user in newUsers) { assertTrue(repo.hasUser(user)) } } @Test fun `should allow parallel write and read`(): Unit = runBlocking(Dispatchers.IO) { repeat(10) { launch { repeat(1000) { repo.addUser(InMemoryUserRepository.User(it * 2 + 1, "NewUserName$it", "NewUserSurname$it")) } } launch { repeat(1000) { val users = repo.getUsers() assertTrue(users.count() >= 1000, "Problem with $users, size ${users.size}") assertTrue(users.sumOf { } > 500_000) } } } } @Test fun `When we set new surnames, they should all be the same`(): Unit = runBlocking(Dispatchers.IO) { repo.changeAllSurnames("NewSurname") launch { repeat(1000) { repo.changeAllSurnames("NewSurname$it") } } launch { repeat(1000) { assertEquals(1, repo.getUsers().distinctBy { it.surname }.size) } } } } class GettingUserTest { @Test fun `changeUserSurname when user cannot be found, proper error is displayed`() { val repo = InMemoryUserRepository() val exception = assertThrows( { repo.changeSurname(123, "XXX") } assertEquals("No such user in the repository", exception.message, "Function has correct message") } @ExperimentalStdlibApi @Test fun `getById has correct signature`() { val repoClass = InMemoryUserRepository::class val method = repoClass.memberFunctions.singleOrNull { == "getById" } assertNotNull(method, "Method getById needs to be implemented") assertFalse(method.returnType.isMarkedNullable, "Return type should not be nullable") assertEquals(typeOf<InMemoryUserRepository.User>(), method.returnType, "Function should return User") assertTrue(method.parameters.size == 2, "There is only a single expected argument (+ dispatch receiver)") assertEquals(typeOf<InMemoryUserRepository>(), method.parameters[0].type, "Parameter type should be Int") assertEquals(typeOf<Int>(), method.parameters[1].type, "Parameter type should be Int") assertTrue(method.typeParameters.isEmpty(), "There should be no type parameters") } @Test fun `getById works correctly`() { val repo = InMemoryUserRepository() val repoClass = repo::class val method = repoClass.memberFunctions.singleOrNull { == "getById" } assertNotNull(method, "Method getById needs to be implemented") val user = InMemoryUserRepository.User(10, "A", "B") repo.addUser(user) assertEquals(user,, val exception = assertThrows( { // All errors should be wrapped into this type by reflection, 0) }.targetException // We unpack to get actual exception throw by this function assertTrue(exception is NoSuchElementException, "The type of error should be NoSuchElementException") assertEquals("No user with id 0", exception.message, "Check for concrete error message") } @ExperimentalStdlibApi @Test fun `getByIdOrNull has correct signature`() { val repoClass = InMemoryUserRepository::class val method = repoClass.memberFunctions.singleOrNull { == "getByIdOrNull" } assertNotNull(method, "Method getByIdOrNull needs to be implemented") assertTrue(method.returnType.isMarkedNullable, "Return type should be nullable") assertEquals(typeOf<InMemoryUserRepository.User?>(), method.returnType, "Function should return User") assertTrue(method.parameters.size == 2, "There is only a single expected argument (+ dispatch receiver)") assertEquals(typeOf<InMemoryUserRepository>(), method.parameters[0].type, "Parameter type should be Int") assertEquals(typeOf<Int>(), method.parameters[1].type, "Parameter type should be Int") assertTrue(method.typeParameters.isEmpty(), "There should be no type parameters") } @Test fun `getByIdOrNull works correctly`() { val repo = InMemoryUserRepository() val repoClass = repo::class val method = repoClass.memberFunctions.singleOrNull { == "getByIdOrNull" } assertNotNull(method, "Method getByIdOrNull needs to be implemented") val user = InMemoryUserRepository.User(10, "A", "B") repo.addUser(user) assertEquals(user,, val result =, 0) assertNull(result, "Function should return null when no user with given id") } @ExperimentalStdlibApi @Test fun `getByIdOrDefault has correct signature`() { val repoClass = InMemoryUserRepository::class val method = repoClass.memberFunctions.singleOrNull { == "getByIdOrDefault" } assertNotNull(method, "Method getByIdOrDefault needs to be implemented") assertFalse(method.returnType.isMarkedNullable, "Return type should not be nullable") assertEquals(typeOf<InMemoryUserRepository.User>(), method.returnType, "Function should return User") assertTrue(method.parameters.size == 3, "There are two parameters in this function (+ dispatch receiver)") val (dispatchReceiver, param1, param2) = method.parameters assertEquals(typeOf<InMemoryUserRepository>(), dispatchReceiver.type) assertEquals(typeOf<Int>(), param1.type, "The type of the first parameter should be Int") assertEquals( typeOf<InMemoryUserRepository.User>(), param2.type, "The type of the second parameter should be User" ) assertTrue(method.typeParameters.isEmpty(), "There should be no type parameters") } @Test fun `getByIdOrDefault works correctly`() { val repo = InMemoryUserRepository() val repoClass = repo::class val method = repoClass.memberFunctions.singleOrNull { == "getByIdOrDefault" } assertNotNull(method, "Method getByIdOrDefault needs to be implemented") val default = InMemoryUserRepository.User(100, "C", "D") val user = InMemoryUserRepository.User(10, "A", "B") repo.addUser(user) assertEquals(user,,, default)) val result =, 0, default) assertEquals(default, result, "Function should return null when no user with given id") } }