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Exercise: Flow Kata

To practice all the different flow operators, implement the following functions:

  • producingUnits - produces a flow of Unit with num elements.
  • delayEach - adds a delay of time timeMillis between elements.
  • mapIndexed - should transform values, where the transformation value should have the index of the element.
  • toNextNumbers - should transform elements to the next numbers starting from 1. So Unit, Unit, Unit should be transformed to 1, 2, 3.
  • withHistory - produces not only elements but the whole history until now.
  • makeLightSwitch - based on two light switches; it should decide if the light should be switched on. It should emit true after a change if one switch is true and the other is false. The first emitted state should be false, and then a new state should be emitted with each event from any switch.
  • makeLightSwitchToggle - based on two light switches; it should decide if the light should be switched on. It should emit true if the number of events from both light switches is odd. Each event from a light switch emits a new state. The first emitted state is true; each new state is the previous state, but toggled.
  • polonaisePairing - Should pair two flows of people so that each person from one flow is paired with the person from the other flow, which is emitted at the same time. A person without a pair should be ignored.

This problem can either be solved in the below playground or you can clone kotlin-exercises project and solve it locally. In the project, you can find code template for this exercise in coroutines/flow/Kata.kt. You can find there starting code and unit tests.

Once you are done with the exercise, you can check your solution here.


import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi import kotlinx.coroutines.delay import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.* import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock import kotlinx.coroutines.test.* import org.junit.Test import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import kotlin.test.assertEquals // Produces a flow of Unit // For instance producingUnits(5) -> [Unit, Unit, Unit, Unit, Unit] fun producingUnits(num: Int): Flow<Unit> = TODO() // Adds a delay of time `timeMillis` between elements fun <T> Flow<T>.delayEach(timeMillis: Long): Flow<T> = TODO() // Should transform values, where transformation value should have index of the element // flowOf("A", "B").mapIndexed { index, value -> "$index$value" } -> ["0A", "1B"] fun <T, R> Flow<T>.mapIndexed(transformation: suspend (index: Int, T) -> R): Flow<R> = TODO() // Should transform Unit's to next numbers starting from 1 // For instance flowOf(Unit, Unit, Unit, Unit).toNextNumbers() -> [1, 2, 3, 4] // Example: // Input --------U------UU---------U------ // Result --------1------23---------4------ fun Flow<*>.toNextNumbers(): Flow<Int> = TODO() // Produces not only elements, but the whole history till now // For instance flowOf(1, "A", 'C').withHistory() -> [[], [1], [1, A], [1, A, C]] fun <T> Flow<T>.withHistory(): Flow<List<T>> = TODO() // Based on two light switches, should decide if the general light should be switched on. // Should be if one is true and another is false. // The first state should be false, and then with each even from any switch, new state should be emitted. // Example: // switch1 -------t-----f----------t-t------- // switch2 ----------------f-t-f--------t-f-t // Result f------t-----f--f-t-f---t-t--f-t-f fun makeLightSwitch(switch1: Flow<Boolean>, switch2: Flow<Boolean>): Flow<Boolean> = TODO() // Based on two light switches, should decide if the general light should be switched on. // Should be if one is turned on and another is off // Each event from a switch emits news state. The first state is true, each new state is toggled. // Example: // switch1 -------U-----U--------------------------U---------------UU----- // switch2 ----------------U-------------------U-------------U------------ // Result -------t-----f--t-------------------f---t---------f-----tf----- fun makeLightSwitchToggle(switch1: Flow<Unit>, switch2: Flow<Unit>): Flow<Boolean> = TODO() fun polonaisePairing(track1: Flow<Person>, track2: Flow<Person>): Flow<Pair<Person, Person>> = TODO() data class Person(val name: String) @Suppress("FunctionName") class FlowTests { @Test() fun producingUnitsTests() = runTest { assertEquals(listOf(), producingUnits(0).toList()) assertEquals(listOf(Unit), producingUnits(1).toList()) assertEquals(listOf(Unit, Unit), producingUnits(2).toList()) assertEquals(listOf(Unit, Unit, Unit), producingUnits(3).toList()) for (i in 1..100 step 7) { assertEquals(List(i) { Unit }, producingUnits(i).toList()) } } @Test() fun flowDelayEachTests() = runTest { val emittedNum = AtomicInteger() producingUnits(100) .delayEach(1000) .onEach { emittedNum.incrementAndGet() } .launchIn(this) assertEquals(0, emittedNum.get()) delay(1_500) assertEquals(1, emittedNum.get()) delay(2_000) assertEquals(3, emittedNum.get()) delay(12_000) assertEquals(15, emittedNum.get()) } @Test() fun mapIndexedTests() = runTest { assertEquals( listOf("0 A", "1 B", "2 C", "3 D"), ('A'..'D').asFlow() .mapIndexed { index, letter -> "$index $letter" } .toList() ) val actual: List<ValueAndTime<Pair<Int, Any>>> = flow<Any> { delay(10) emit(10) delay(100) emit("A") delay(1000) emit('C') }.mapIndexed { index, any -> Pair(index, any) } .withVirtualTime(this) .toList() val expected: List<ValueAndTime<Pair<Int, Any>>> = listOf( ValueAndTime(Pair(0, 10), 10), ValueAndTime(Pair(1, "A"), 110), ValueAndTime(Pair(2, 'C'), 1110), ) assertEquals(expected, actual) } @Test() fun toNextNumbersTests() = runTest { assertEquals(listOf(), producingUnits(0).toNextNumbers().toList()) assertEquals(listOf(1), producingUnits(1).toNextNumbers().toList()) assertEquals(listOf(1, 2), producingUnits(2).toNextNumbers().toList()) assertEquals(listOf(1, 2, 3), producingUnits(3).toNextNumbers().toList()) for (i in 1..100 step 7) { val list = List(i) { it + 1 } assertEquals(list, {}.asFlow().toNextNumbers().toList()) } } @Test() fun withHistoryTests() = runTest { assertEquals(listOf(listOf()), producingUnits(0).withHistory().toList()) assertEquals(listOf(listOf(), listOf(Unit)), producingUnits(1).withHistory().toList()) assertEquals(listOf(listOf(), listOf(Unit), listOf(Unit, Unit)), producingUnits(2).withHistory().toList()) assertEquals( listOf(listOf(), listOf(1), listOf(1, 2)), flowOf(1, 2).withHistory().toList() ) assertEquals( listOf(listOf(), listOf(true), listOf(true, false)), flowOf(true, false).withHistory().toList() ) val flow = flow { delay(10) emit("A") delay(100) emit(10) delay(1000) emit("C") } assertEquals( listOf( ValueAndTime(listOf(), 0), ValueAndTime(listOf("A"), 10), ValueAndTime(listOf("A", 10), 110), ValueAndTime(listOf("A", 10, "C"), 1110), ), flow.withHistory() .withVirtualTime(this) .toList() ) } @Test() fun makeLightSwitchTests() = runTest { val switchOne = flow<Boolean> { emit(true) delay(1000) emit(false) delay(10) emit(true) delay(500) // 1500 emit(false) } val switchTwo = flow<Boolean> { emit(false) delay(200) emit(true) delay(1000) // 1200 emit(false) } var lightOn = false launch { makeLightSwitch(switchOne, switchTwo).collect { lightOn = it } } delay(50) assertEquals(true, lightOn) delay(200) // 250 assertEquals(false, lightOn) delay(800) // 1050 assertEquals(false, lightOn) delay(200) // 1250 assertEquals(true, lightOn) delay(300) // 1550 assertEquals(false, lightOn) } @Test() fun makeLightSwitchExampleTests() = runTest { val switch1 = flow { delay(7_000) emit(true) delay(6_000) emit(false) delay(11_000) emit(true) delay(2_000) emit(true) } val switch2 = flow { delay(16_000) emit(false) delay(2_000) emit(true) delay(2_000) emit(false) delay(9_000) emit(true) delay(2_000) emit(false) delay(2_000) emit(true) } val result = makeLightSwitch(switch1, switch2) .fold(mapOf<Long, Boolean>()) { acc, e -> acc + (currentTime to e) } val expected = mapOf( 0L to false, 7_000L to true, 13_000L to false, 16_000L to false, 18_000L to true, 20_000L to false, 24_000L to true, 26_000L to true, 29_000L to false, 31_000L to true, 33_000L to false, ) assertEquals(expected, result) } @Test() fun makeLightSwitchToggleTests() = runTest { val switchOne = flow<Unit> { emit(Unit) delay(1000) emit(Unit) delay(10) emit(Unit) delay(500) // 1500 emit(Unit) } val switchTwo = flow<Unit> { emit(Unit) delay(200) emit(Unit) delay(1000) // 1200 emit(Unit) } var lightOn = false launch { makeLightSwitchToggle(switchOne, switchTwo).collect { lightOn = it } } delay(50) assertEquals(false, lightOn) delay(200) // 250 assertEquals(true, lightOn) delay(800) // 1050 assertEquals(true, lightOn) delay(200) // 1250 assertEquals(false, lightOn) delay(300) // 1550 assertEquals(true, lightOn) } @Test() fun makeLightSwitchToggleExampleTests() = runTest { val switch1 = flow { delay(7_000) emit(Unit) delay(6_000) emit(Unit) delay(27_000) emit(Unit) delay(16_000) emit(Unit) delay(1_000) emit(Unit) } val switch2 = flow { delay(16_000) emit(Unit) delay(20_000) emit(Unit) delay(17_000) emit(Unit) } val result = makeLightSwitchToggle(switch1, switch2) .fold(mapOf<Long, Boolean>()) { acc, e -> acc + (currentTime to e) } val expected = mapOf( 7_000L to true, 13_000L to false, 16_000L to true, 36_000L to false, 40_000L to true, 53_000L to false, 56_000L to true, 57_000L to false, ) assertEquals(expected, result) } @Test() fun polonaisePairingTests() = runTest { val track1 = flow<Person> { emit(Person("A")) emit(Person("B")) delay(1000) emit(Person("C")) emit(Person("D")) } val track2 = flow<Person> { emit(Person("1")) delay(600) emit(Person("2")) delay(1000) emit(Person("3")) } val res = polonaisePairing(track1, track2).toList() val expected = listOf("A" to "1", "B" to "2", "C" to "3").map { Person(it.first) to Person(it.second) } assertEquals(expected, res) var lastPair: Pair<Person, Person>? = null launch { polonaisePairing(track1, track2).collect { lastPair = it } } runCurrent() assertEquals(Person("A") to Person("1"), lastPair) delay(200) // 200 assertEquals(Person("A") to Person("1"), lastPair) delay(500) // 700 assertEquals(Person("B") to Person("2"), lastPair) delay(500) // 1200 assertEquals(Person("B") to Person("2"), lastPair) delay(500) // 1700 assertEquals(Person("C") to Person("3"), lastPair) } } fun <T> Flow<T>.withVirtualTime(testScope: TestScope): Flow<ValueAndTime<T>> = map { ValueAndTime(it, testScope.currentTime) } data class ValueAndTime<T>(val value: T, val timeMillis: Long)