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Exercise: CompanyDetailsRepository

The CompanyDetailsRepository class is used to fetch company details from an API. The problem is that the current implementation is not thread-safe and exposes internal collection. Fix those problems using the following techniques:

  • Use synchronized block to protect the shared state and keep using a mutable map to store company details.
  • Use synchronized block to protect the shared state and use a read-only map to store company details.
  • Use a dispatcher limited to a single thread and keep using a mutable map to store company details.
  • Use a dispatcher limited to a single thread and use a read-only map to store company details.
  • Use AtomicReference and read-only map to store company details (that should work, but that is certainly not a good solution).
  • Use a concurrent collection to store company details.
  • Use a mutex and keep using a mutable map to store company details.

None of those solutions can guarantee that one element is fetched only once. To achieve this, implement solutions using the following techniques:

  • Use a concurrent collection with suspending lazy objects to store company details (before doing this one, first finish Suspended lazy exercise).
  • Use caching library to cache company details (Aedile is a good choice).

Starting code:

class CompanyDetailsRepository( private val client: CompanyDetailsClient, dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher ) { private val details = mutableMapOf<Company, CompanyDetails>() suspend fun getDetails(company: Company): CompanyDetails { val current = getDetailsOrNull(company) if (current == null) { val companyDetails = client.fetchDetails(company) details[company] = companyDetails return companyDetails } return current } fun getDetailsOrNull(company: Company): CompanyDetails? = details[company] fun getReadyDetails(): Map<Company, CompanyDetails> = details fun clear() { details.clear() } }

This problem can either be solved in the below playground or you can clone kotlin-exercises project and solve it locally. In the project, you can find code template for this exercise in effective/safe/CompanyDetailsRepository.kt. You can find there starting code and unit tests.

On the project, you can also find performance tests that can help you test the performance of each solution. Use them, and note down the results.

Once you are done with the exercise, you can check your solution here.


import kotlinx.coroutines.* import kotlinx.coroutines.test.currentTime import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runTest import java.math.BigDecimal import org.junit.Ignore import org.junit.Test import kotlin.test.assertEquals import kotlin.time.measureTime class CompanyDetailsRepository( private val client: CompanyDetailsClient, dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher ) { private val details = mutableMapOf<Company, CompanyDetails>() suspend fun getDetails(company: Company): CompanyDetails { val current = getDetailsOrNull(company) if (current == null) { val companyDetails = client.fetchDetails(company) details[company] = companyDetails return companyDetails } return current } fun getDetailsOrNull(company: Company): CompanyDetails? = details[company] fun getReadyDetails(): Map<Company, CompanyDetails> = details fun clear() { details.clear() } } // Run in main suspend fun performanceTest(): Unit = coroutineScope { val companies = (0 until 100_000).map { Company(it.toString()) } val client = FakeCompanyDetailsClient( details = buildMap { companies.forEach { put(it, CompanyDetails("Company${}", "Address${}", BigDecimal.TEN)) } } ) val repository = CompanyDetailsRepository(client, Dispatchers.IO) val dispatcher = newFixedThreadPoolContext(100, "test") // The time of getting and storing details measureTime { { async(dispatcher) { repository.getDetails(it) } }.awaitAll() }.also { val averageTime = it.inWholeNanoseconds / companies.size println("Average time of getting details: $averageTime ns") } // The time of getting details from cache measureTime { { async(dispatcher) { repository.getDetailsOrNull(it) } }.awaitAll() }.also { val averageTime = it.inWholeNanoseconds / companies.size println("Average time of getting details from cache: $averageTime ns") } // The time of getting all details val repeats = 1000 measureTime { coroutineScope { repeat(repeats) { launch(dispatcher) { repository.getReadyDetails() } } } }.also { val averageTime = it.inWholeNanoseconds / repeats println("Time of getting all details: $averageTime ns") } } interface CompanyDetailsClient { suspend fun fetchDetails(company: Company): CompanyDetails } data class CompanyDetails(val name: String, val address: String, val revenue: BigDecimal) data class Company(val id: String) @OptIn(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class) class CompanyDetailsRepositoryTest { @Test fun `detailsFor should fetch details from client`() = runTest { // given val company = Company("1") val details = CompanyDetails("Company", "Address", BigDecimal.TEN) val client = FakeCompanyDetailsClient() client.setDetails(company, details) val repository = CompanyDetailsRepository(client, coroutineContext[CoroutineDispatcher]!!) // when val result = repository.getDetails(company) // then assertEquals(details, result) } @Test fun `detailsFor should cache details`() = runTest { // given val company = Company("1") val details = CompanyDetails("Company", "Address", BigDecimal.TEN) val client = FakeCompanyDetailsClient( details = mapOf(company to details), delay = 1000 ) val repository = CompanyDetailsRepository(client, coroutineContext[CoroutineDispatcher]!!) // when val result1 = repository.getDetails(company) // then assertEquals(details, result1) assertEquals(1000, currentTime) // when client.clear() // then val result = repository.getDetails(company) assertEquals(details, result) } @Test fun `getReadyDetails should return all details`() = runTest { // given val company1 = Company("1") val company2 = Company("2") val details1 = CompanyDetails("Company1", "Address1", BigDecimal.TEN) val details2 = CompanyDetails("Company2", "Address2", BigDecimal.ONE) val client = FakeCompanyDetailsClient( details = mapOf(company1 to details1, company2 to details2) ) val repository = CompanyDetailsRepository(client, coroutineContext[CoroutineDispatcher]!!) // when repository.getDetails(company1) repository.getDetails(company2) val result = repository.getReadyDetails() // then assertEquals(mapOf(company1 to details1, company2 to details2), result) } @Test fun `getReadyDetails should fetch details asynchronously`() = runTest { // given val company1 = Company("1") val company2 = Company("2") val details1 = CompanyDetails("Company1", "Address1", BigDecimal.TEN) val details2 = CompanyDetails("Company2", "Address2", BigDecimal.ONE) val client = FakeCompanyDetailsClient( details = mapOf(company1 to details1, company2 to details2), delay = 1000, ) val repository = CompanyDetailsRepository(client, coroutineContext[CoroutineDispatcher]!!) // when coroutineScope { launch { repository.getDetails(company1) assertEquals(1000, currentTime) } launch { repository.getDetails(company2) assertEquals(1000, currentTime) } } val result = repository.getReadyDetails() // then assertEquals(mapOf(company1 to details1, company2 to details2), result) assertEquals(1000, currentTime) } @Test fun `should not expose internal collection`() = runTest { // given val company = Company("1") val details = CompanyDetails("Company", "Address", BigDecimal.TEN) val client = FakeCompanyDetailsClient( details = mapOf(company to details) ) val repository = CompanyDetailsRepository(client, coroutineContext[CoroutineDispatcher]!!) val detailsMap = repository.getReadyDetails() // when repository.getDetails(company) // then assertEquals(mapOf(), detailsMap) } @Test fun `getDetailsOrNull should return details if exists`() = runTest { // given val company = Company("1") val company2 = Company("2") val details = CompanyDetails("Company", "Address", BigDecimal.TEN) val client = FakeCompanyDetailsClient( details = mapOf(company to details) ) val repository = CompanyDetailsRepository(client, coroutineContext[CoroutineDispatcher]!!) // then assertEquals(null, repository.getDetailsOrNull(company)) assertEquals(null, repository.getDetailsOrNull(company2)) // when repository.getDetails(company) // then assertEquals(details, repository.getDetailsOrNull(company)) assertEquals(null, repository.getDetailsOrNull(company2)) } Synchronization tests @Test fun `should cache all details`() = runBlocking(Dispatchers.IO) { val parallelCalls = 10_000 val companies = (0 until parallelCalls).map { Company(it.toString()) } val client = FakeCompanyDetailsClient( details = buildMap { companies.forEach { put(it, CompanyDetails("Company${}", "Address${}", BigDecimal.TEN)) } } ) val repository = CompanyDetailsRepository(client, coroutineContext[CoroutineDispatcher]!!) coroutineScope { for (company in companies) { launch { val details = repository.getDetails(company) assertEquals( CompanyDetails("Company${}", "Address${}", BigDecimal.TEN), details ) } } } assertEquals(parallelCalls, repository.getReadyDetails().size) } @Test fun `should not have conflict when changing details and getting all`() = runBlocking(Dispatchers.IO) { val parallelCalls = 10_000 val companies = (0 until parallelCalls).map { Company(it.toString()) } val client = FakeCompanyDetailsClient( details = buildMap { companies.forEach { put(it, CompanyDetails("Company${}", "Address${}", BigDecimal.TEN)) } } ) val repository = CompanyDetailsRepository(client, coroutineContext[CoroutineDispatcher]!!) for (company in companies) { launch { repository.getDetails(company) } } repeat(1000) { launch { repository.getReadyDetails() } } } @Test @Ignore fun `should not fetch the same details twice`() = runTest { val company = Company("1") val details = CompanyDetails("Company", "Address", BigDecimal.TEN) val client = FakeCompanyDetailsClient( details = mapOf(company to details), delay = 1000 ) val repository = CompanyDetailsRepository(client, coroutineContext[CoroutineDispatcher]!!) coroutineScope { launch { repository.getDetails(company) } launch { repository.getDetails(company) } } assertEquals(1, client.calls) } } class FakeCompanyDetailsClient( details: Map<Company, CompanyDetails> = emptyMap(), var delay: Long = 0, ) : CompanyDetailsClient { private val details: MutableMap<Company, CompanyDetails> = details.toMutableMap() var calls = 0 private set override suspend fun fetchDetails(company: Company): CompanyDetails { calls++ delay(delay) return details[company] ?: error("Company not found") } fun setDetails(company: Company, details: CompanyDetails) { this.details[company] = details } fun clear() { details.clear() delay = 0 } }