Exercise: Adjust Kotlin for Java usage
Consider the following Kotlin elements:
package advanced.java
data class Money(
val amount: BigDecimal = BigDecimal.ZERO,
val currency: Currency = Currency.EUR,
) {
companion object {
fun eur(amount: String) =
Money(BigDecimal(amount), Currency.EUR)
fun usd(amount: String) =
Money(BigDecimal(amount), Currency.USD)
val ZERO_EUR = eur("0.00")
fun List<Money>.sum(): Money? {
if (isEmpty()) return null
val currency = this.map { it.currency }.toSet().single()
return Money(
amount = sumOf { it.amount },
currency = currency
operator fun Money.plus(other: Money): Money {
require(currency == other.currency)
return Money(amount + other.amount, currency)
enum class Currency {
This is how they can be used in Kotlin:
fun main() {
val money1 = Money.eur("10.00")
val money2 = Money.eur("29.99")
println(listOf(money1, money2, money1).sum())
// Money(amount=49.99, currency=EUR)
println(money1 + money2)
// Money(amount=39.99, currency=EUR)
val money3 = Money.usd("10.00")
val money4 = Money()
val money5 = Money(BigDecimal.ONE)
val money6 = Money.ZERO_EUR
However, Java usage is not so convenient. Your task is to add appropriate annotations so it is more Java-friendly and can be used like this:
package advanced.java;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.List;
public class JavaClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Money money1 = Money.eur("10.00");
Money money2 = Money.eur("29.99");
List<Money> moneyList =
List.of(money1, money2, money1);
System.out.println(MoneyUtils.plus(money1, money2));
// Money(amount=39.99, currency=EUR)
Money money3 = Money.usd("10.00");
Money money4 = new Money();
Money money5 = new Money(BigDecimal.ONE);
Money money6 = Money.ZERO_EUR;
Once you are done with the exercise, you can check your solution here.

Marcin Moskala is a highly experienced developer and Kotlin instructor as the founder of Kt. Academy, an official JetBrains partner specializing in Kotlin training, Google Developers Expert, known for his significant contributions to the Kotlin community. Moskala is the author of several widely recognized books, including "Effective Kotlin," "Kotlin Coroutines," "Functional Kotlin," "Advanced Kotlin," "Kotlin Essentials," and "Android Development with Kotlin."
Beyond his literary achievements, Moskala is the author of the largest Medium publication dedicated to Kotlin. As a respected speaker, he has been invited to share his insights at numerous programming conferences, including events such as Droidcon and the prestigious Kotlin Conf, the premier conference dedicated to the Kotlin programming language.